Editorial Team
Editorial in Chief:
Prof. Bhisma Murti
Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 6504417137, SINTA ID 6650750, ORCID ID 0000-0001-9405-3872
- Prof. Ana Diez Roux
Dean’s Office, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Urban Health Collaborative, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University, USA
SCOPUS ID 7004701264, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-9658-7050, GoogleScholar - Prof. Diana Kuh
MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing, University College London, London, United Kingdom
SCOPUS ID 8329745200, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-7386-2857, GoogleScholar - Prof. Linda S. Adair
Department of Nutrition, Carolina Population Center Gilings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, USA
SCOPUS ID 7005651928, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-3670-8073. - Prof. Michael Dibley
Global Public Health Nutrition, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia
SCOPUS ID 26665373100, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-1554-5180, GoogleScholar - Prof. Ashir Ahmed
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
SCOPUS ID 6602913465, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-8125-471X, GoogleScholar - Prof. Sanjiv Kumar
International Institute of Health Management Research, New Delhi, India
SCOPUS ID 57203425728, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-5013-1573, - Prof. Wongsa Laohasiriwong
Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
SCOPUS ID 6506213426, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-7838-716X, - Prof. Paul Ward
Department of Public Health Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
SCOPUS ID 7402101951, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-5559-9714, GoogleScholar - Prof. Nicola Reavley
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, Melbourne, Australia
SCOPUS ID 6507792925, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-5513-8291, GoogleScholar - Prof. Chatarina Umbul Wahyuni
Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 22958724600, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-9518-5930, SINTA ID 6055273, Googlescholar - Prof. Adang Bachtiar
Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia. Advisory Board, The Indonesian Association of Public Health Professionals (IAKMI)
SCOPUS ID 56683183900, ORCHID ID 000-0003-3321-9757, SINTA ID 6027980, Googlescholar - Ignatius Praptoraharjo, PhD
Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 56229594700, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-9344-6022, SINTA ID 6801718, GoogleScholar
- Prof. Malin Eriksson
Department of Social Work, Umeå University, Umea, Sweden
SCOPUS ID 35086100000, ORCHID ID 0000-0003-0108-4237, GoogleScholar - Prof. Jessica D. Gipson
Department of Community Health Sciences, Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), Los Angeles
SCOPUS ID 16028551300, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-8719-2081, GoogleScholar - Prof. Mai Do
Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences, Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, USA
SCOPUS ID 13204304000, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-2965-4812, - Prof Adrian Schoo
Prideaux Centre for Research in Health Professions Education, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand
SCOPUS ID 56153437300, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-9368-0778, GoogleScholar - Jenny Ruducha, PhD
Braintree Global Health, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
SCOPUS ID 56497113500, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-7745-9002, - Prof. Bettina Borisch
Institute for Global Health (IGH) of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Executive Director of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA)
SCOPUS ID 7006164470, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-9902-324X, - Dr. Anne Claire Stona
Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore City, Singapore
SCOPUS ID 57195967932, ORCHID ID 0000-0003-0350-0345 - Prof. Mehdi Gazinour
Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Police Education Unit at Umeå University.
SCOPUS ID 7801539354, ORCHID ID 0000-0001-7193-4466 - Prof. Katelyn Poelker
Department of Psychology, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA
SCOPUS ID 56593019900, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-1139-7213, - Dr. Joel Rey Ugsang Acobs
Master of Arts, Visayas State University, Philippines
SCOPUS ID 57204961499, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-3829-322X - Prof. Budi Anna Keliat
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 15725533500, ORCHID ID 0000-0003-1103-5404, SINTA ID 6029177, GoogleScholar - Prof. Grace Debbie Kandou
Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 57210746798, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-2726-6947, SINTA ID 6791174 - Prof. Adang Bachtiar
Department of Health Policy Administration, Public Health Faculty, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 56683183900, ORCHID ID 0000-0003-3321-9757, SINTA ID 6027980, GoogleScholar - Dr. Pius Weraman
Study Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Nusa Cendana
SCOPUS ID 7396137300,ORCHID ID 0000-0002-7749-3347, SINTA ID 6652867, GoogleScholar - Dr. Setyo Sri Rahardjo
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 57909484300, ORCHID ID 0000-0002-8736-5963, SINTA ID 6694864 - Dr. Revi Gama Hatta Novika
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
SCOPUS ID 57211336085, ORCID ID 0000-0002-5606-835X, SINTA ID 6733280, GoogleScholar - Joko Tri Atmojo, S.Kep., MKMn
School of Health Science Mamba’ul Ulum, Surakarta, Indonesia
ORCHID ID 0000-0002-6067-8687, SCOPUS ID 57878202400 SINTA ID 6673668
Managing Editors:
- Aris Widiyanto
School of Health Sciences Mamba’ul ‘Ulum, Surakarta
SINTA ID 6673181 , SCOPUS ID : 58046530800 ; ORCHID ID : 0002-3234-3265 - Ika Yuliayuningrum, MPH
Masters Program in Public Heath, Universitas Sebelas Maret
ORCHID ID 0000-0003-0851-1131, SCOPUS ID 57205018824
Assistant Editors:
- Elsa Tursina
Masters Program in Public Heath, Universitas Sebelas Maret
ORCHID ID 0009-0005-5224-7579 - Amallia Wijiwinarsih
Masters Program in Public Heath, Universitas Sebelas Maret
ORCHID ID 0000-0002-1290-06773 - Nindita Arum Veibiani
Masters Program in Public Heath, Universitas Sebelas Maret
ORCHID ID 0009-0000-8242-5376